

  1. 本程式提供的所有服務及內容一直在更新而相關服務及內容可不時被修改而不作事先通知。於更新時,九巴可能需要暫停本程式的某些功能而不作任何事先通知。九巴亦保留權利於任何時間按我們單獨及絕對酌情權設定使用限制,而不須向您作事先通知。
  2. 本程式可能載有廣告,而該等廣告可能針對本程式某些內容或服務的資訊,或不時由九巴或九巴按其單獨及絕對酌情權允許的其他資訊提供者提供的資訊。您同意九巴及其他資訊提供者可於本程式載入該等廣告資料。九巴不就任何直接或間接於本程式登廣告的人士及其提供的產品或服務承擔責任,亦不得被視為保證或認可任何該等人士、產品或服務。
  3. 九巴對連結網站並沒有控制權,亦不會對任何連結網站內容、任何該等連結網站所載的連結或任何該等網站的變更或更新承擔責任。九巴並不會對連結網站所收到的資料負責。提供連結僅為方便考慮,而於本程式中包含任何連結網站並不代表九巴對該等連結網站予以認可,或與其經營者存在任何聯繫。九巴不會對使用任何連結網站內容或服務而導致的任何損失或損害承擔責任或負責。任何該等連結網站的考慮須向負責的管理人或營運商提出。
  4. 任何您向我們提供的個人資料均受私隱政策聲明規管。九巴可不時使用您的資料以進行關於使用者行為的性質的及/或量化的分析及優化本程式的功能及升級。
  5. 您絕不可在知情或疏忽的情況下產生不必要的流量、載入電腦病毒、木馬程式、電腦蠕蟲、邏輯炸彈或其他惡意或科技上對本程式有害的資料以誤用本程式或使本程式停止運作。
  6. 您絕不可對本程式或其任何相關伺服器、電腦或資料庫取得或嘗試取得未經許可的存取。
  7. 您絕不可對本程式或其任何相關伺服器、電腦或資料庫取得或嘗試取得未經許可的存取。
  8. 本程式及於本程式內可供使用的內容(統稱「該等內容」)均為九巴的財產。九巴保留一切有關該等內容的文字、圖案及其他內容(或其任何部份)的知識產權。該等內容的全部或部份的更新、抄錄、分發、轉遞、刊登、轉移或出售、或任何商業使用均嚴格禁止,不論是否具備商業目的。
  9. 於本程式內顯示的已註冊或未註冊商標、商用名稱、已註冊或未註冊的設計、標誌、人物角色及服務標記(統稱「該等知識產權」)均為九巴的知識產權。九巴明確主張該等知識產權亦不會在任何情況下豁免對該等權利的主張。
  10. 九巴保留權利於任何時間不允許您連結至本程式。若九巴行使該權利,您同意即時刪除您對本程式的連結。
  11. 所有連結的顯示及位置均不得對九巴的商用名稱及商譽造成損害或影響,亦不得造成該實體與我們有任何關連的印象。
  12. 您陳述及保證您不會在使用本程式時參與任何下述行為︰
  13. 使用本程式的服務以達到向任何其他使用者發出大量未要求傳送的資訊的目的;或
  14. 以本程式提供的服務以外的目的使用本程式的服務。
  15. 若任何人因您於本程式上或經由本程式所作的行為向九巴提出申索,您須對九巴遭受的與該申索相關的任何形式的損害、損失及支出(包括所有律師費及其他支出)彌償九巴並使九巴得到全額及有效彌償。
  16. 九巴及其承判商均不會在任何情況下承擔任何直接、間接、附帶、相應、特殊、或懲罰性損失或損害、收入或收益損失、利潤或合同損失、業務損失、機會損失、商譽及/或聲譽損失、資料損失或其他因您存取或使用本程式造成的損失(不論是基於違反合同、違反保證條款、彌償、復還、疏忽、嚴格法律責任或其他侵權法下的責任、洩漏機密、誤用私人資料或其他)的責任,就算九巴已獲告知該等損失或損害的可能性。
  17. 您確認及接受您使用本程式的風險須自行承擔。本程式的內容、資訊、產品及服務均以「現狀」及「可用」的形式向您提供,且不會就讓人滿意的質素、可商售、對某特定用途的適用性、沒有侵犯任何權利、適用性、安全性及準確性給予任何保證。為免疑慮,本程式不為特定的個人要求而編寫。九巴不可被視為提供任何明示或默示的陳述、保證或承諾。
  18. 九巴不對本程式內容的可信性、準確性、及時性、適用性及完整性提供任何保證。您使用及存取本程式並不以任何形式產生任何其他關係致使九巴承擔任何責任,本條款及細則的責任則不在此限。
  19. 九巴不保證本程式能不間斷地、連續地或安全地存取。本應用程式的部分或全部可能因不同理由於某時段內意外地不能存取,包括系統故障及中斷、互聯網存取故障及其他九巴無法控制的技術問題。九巴對上述不能存取的情況概不負責。您同意不會因任何理由不能使用本程式導致的任何損失或損害要求九巴承擔責任。九巴保留權利因包括系統維護或更新在內的不同原因而將本程式或其任何部分離線。
  20. 九巴不對您存取本程式不受幹擾、及時、安全或無錯誤給予保證,亦不對本程式內任何內容或資訊的準確性及可信性,或任何軟件或硬體的缺陷之修正提供任何保證。
  21. 九巴保留權利於任何時間及不時對本程式或其內容作修訂、改正、修改及/或優化,而不作事先通知。九巴明確表示不對一切因錯誤、遺漏、差異或任何使用者系統幹擾而造成的直接或間接損失或損害承擔責任。
  22. 九龍巴士(一九三三)有限公司(「九巴」)承諾保障您的私隱權利。請細閱私隱政策聲明,並認識九巴處理您的個人資料的政策及操守。私隱政策聲明會按需要隨時更新、修訂、重新公佈或更改有關的內容。就使用九巴流動應用程式(「本程式」),您同意九巴根據私隱政策聲明所訂收集和使用您的個人資料。
  23. 九巴在收集、保存、使用及傳送個人資料時,尊重法例賦予您的私隱權利;而本私隱政策聲明旨在說明我們處理個人私隱的方法。承諾遵守香港特別行政區法例第486章《個人資料(私隱)條例》是九巴一貫的政策,而藉此確保九巴的員工嚴格遵從有關的保安及保密標準。本程式存取、收集和使用的資料僅限於下述為九巴營運業務需要、及為您提供服務所需資料。
  24. 本程式收集不能直接識別您的流動裝置的非個人資料如流動裝置識別碼,流動裝置型號,所使用之語言,操作系統版本及本程式之版本。收集非個人資料的目的是為了更深入的瞭解九巴的用戶如何使用本程式及改善九巴的產品及服務,使之更容易使用。本程式設有位置識別服務, 可為您找到離您流動裝置附近巴士站的路線,您流動裝置在地圖上的位置,及提供落車提示服務。如您啟動此服務, 本程式會存取您流動裝置的位置,但將純粹用作位置識別服務之用。九巴將不會使用收集的資料作任何直接促銷用途但九巴可將收集的資料轉移至其製作本程式的承判商作分析用途。
  25. 本程式會使用您的位置資訊以提供「落車提示」、「鄰近車站」等資訊服務。
  26. 當您瀏覽由本程式連結至的其他網站時,您的個人資料可能會被收集。在該等情況下,有關個人資料的收集、使用、處理及轉移將不受本私隱政策聲明約束。請查閱其他網站對個人資料處理的私隱政策。在網上披露個人資料時,請小心謹慎。有關資料可能被其他人士收集並使用。因此,您必須將個人資料及密碼保密。
  27. 於本程式中載入的穀歌地圖及其相關資料僅作參考用途。穀歌可於任何時間及沒有預先通知九巴的情況下終止向本程式提供穀歌地圖服務。九巴不會因該服務之終止承擔任何責任或損失。九巴不能控制亦不保證於本程式所載入的穀歌地圖資料的真實性及準確性。在任何情況下,九巴均不承擔任何使用者因其使用或未能使用穀歌地圖及其內容而遭受的任何形式的損失、索償或損害(包括但不限於疏忽及任何一方提出的爭議)。您承諾彌償九巴並使九巴得到彌償因您使用穀歌地圖及/或本程式或您違反任何知識產權而引起所有索償、訴訟、申索、損失及損害。
  28. 九巴可不時修訂及更新本條款(包括但不限於就本程式的某些特點發出增補條款及細則)。您已獲告知須定期經本程式檢視本條款以確保您已參閱本條款的最新版本。我們可,但並沒有任何責任,於本程式貼出通告通知您本條款的條文更新。若您於上述修訂及更新生效後繼續使用或進入本程式,您同意受經修訂的本條款所約束,而該修訂將取代所有我們以往向您提供的條款及細則。
  29. 本條款按中華人民共和國香港特別行政區(「香港」)法律管轄,並以香港法律詮釋。九巴與您同意接受香港法院非排他性司法管轄權。
  30. 若您擬使九巴關注任何與本程式有關的事宜,您可使用於九巴網站 上的「聯絡我們」連結通知九巴。
  31. 若本條款的中英文本存有任何歧義,概以英文版本為準。

Privacy Policay Statement

  1. The services and contents of this Application are always updating and may be revised from time to time without prior notice to you. In the course of updates, KMB may need to suspend provision of features of this Application to all users without any prior notice. KMB shall further retain the right to create limits on use at its sole and absolute discretion at any time without prior notice to you.
  2. There may be some advertisements inside this Application, which may be targeted to you in respect of the contents and services of this Application, or may have other information from time to time provided by KMB or other content providers at the discretion of KMB. You agree that KMB and other content providers may place such advertisements on this Application. KMB shall in no event be responsible for, or shall be taken to guarantee or endorse the performance of, any of the goods or services provided by the parties which advertise on, whether directly or indirectly, this Application.
  3. KMB has no control over linked sites and is not responsible for the contents of any linked sites, or any links contained in such linked sites, or any changes or updates of such sites. KMB shall in no event be responsible for information received from linked sites. The links are provided merely for convenience purpose and the inclusion of any linked sites on this Application does not imply endorsement by KMB of the linked site nor any association with their operators. KMB shall not be held responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of the services or the content of any linked sites. Any concern regarding linked sites should be directed to the responsible site administrator or operator.
  4. Any of the personal data you provided to KMB (if any) shall be subject to the Privacy Policy Statement. KMB may from time to time use the data you provided to KMB to conduct qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of user behavior and improve the functions and upgrade this Application.
  5. You must not misuse or disrupt this Application by knowingly or negligently generating unnecessary traffic, introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other materials which may be malicious or technologically harmful to this Application.
  6. You must not gain, or attempt to gain, unauthorized access to this Application or any of its related servers, computers or databases.
  7. You must not use the services of this Application for any purpose which may violate the law. You shall strictly comply with all laws and regulations in Hong Kong or elsewhere regarding online conduct and acceptable content.
  8. This Application together with all contents made available through this Application (collectively "Contents") are the properties of KMB. KMB retains all intellectual property rights on all text, graphics and other contents of the Contents (or any part thereof). No modification, copying, redistribution, retransmission, publication, transfer or sale, or any commercial exploitation of the Contents in whole or in part is permitted, whether for commercial purpose or otherwise.
  9. The rights attached to all registered or unregistered trademarks, trade names, registered or unregistered designs, logos, characters and service marks (collectively the “Intellectual Properties”) displayed in this Application shall be vested on KMB. KMB expressly claims all rights attached to the Intellectual Properties and shall in no event waive any claim of such rights.
  10. KMB reserves its right to disallow you to link to this Application at any time. If KMB asserts such right, you shall remove forthwith such links to this Application.
  11. The appearance and positioning of the links shall in no event damage or affect the goodwill of KMB and shall in no event create or cause to create any impression that such entity has in any way connected with KMB.
  12. You represent and warrant that you shall not engage in the following activities when using this Application:
  13. use the services of this Application for the purpose of spamming any other user; or
  14. use the services of this Application for any purpose other than the service this Application provided.
  15. If anyone brings a claim against KMB which is attributable to your acts done in or through this Application, you shall indemnify KMB and keep KMB fully and effectively indemnified from and against all damages, losses, and expenses of any kind (including all legal fees and costs) related to such claim to the maximum extent permitted by the law.
  16. KMB and its contractors shall in no event be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special or punitive loss or damage, loss of income or revenue, loss of profits or contracts, loss of business, loss of opportunity, loss of goodwill and/or reputation, loss of data or any other loss arising out of your access to, or use of, this Application (whether based on breach of contract, breach of warranty, indemnity, restitution, negligence, strict liability or other liabilities in tort, breach of confidence, misuse of private information, or otherwise) even if KMB is advised of the possibility of such losses or damages.
  17. You acknowledge and accept that your use the Application is at your own risk. The contents, materials, goods and services provided by the Application are on an "as is" and "as available" basis without any warranty on satisfactory quality, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security and accuracy. For the avoidance of doubt, this Application is not written to meet specific individual requirements. All representations, warranties and undertakings, whether express of implied, shall be expressly disclaimed.
  18. KMB makes no warranty as to the reliability, accuracy, timeliness, usefulness or completeness of the information on this Application. Your access or use of this Application does not create in any way any relationship that would give rise to any duty on the part of KMB apart from those provided for in these Terms.
  19. KMB does not guarantee uninterrupted, continued or secure access to this Application. Part or the Application in entirety may be unexpectedly unavailable for whatever duration and for various reasons that may include system malfunctions and disruption, Internet access downtime and other technical problems beyond KMB’s control for which KMB cannot and shall not be held responsible. You agree that you will not hold KMB responsible for any damage or losses caused by your inability to use this Application for any reason whatsoever. KMB reserves the right to take any part or all of this Application offline for various reasons including, without limitation, system maintenance or upgrading.
  20. KMB makes no warranty whatsoever that your access to this Application will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error free; nor does KMB make any warranty as to the accuracy or reliability of any information or content obtained through this Application, or that defects in software or hardware problems will be corrected.
  21. KMB reserves the right to make revisions, corrections, amendments and/or improvements to this Application or the contents thereto at any time and from time to time without notice. KMB expressly disclaims all liability for loss and damage incurred directly or indirectly as a result of errors, omissions, discrepancies or system interruptions by any user.
  22. The Kowloon Motor Bus Company (1933) Limited ("KMB") is committed to protecting your privacy. Please read the Privacy Policy Statement carefully to understand KMB's policies and practices regarding how your personal information will be treated. The Privacy Policy Statement may from time to time be updated, revised, reposted and changed as deemed necessary. By using the KMB Mobile Application ("this Application"), you consent to KMB's collection and use of your Personal Data, as described in this Privacy Policy Statement.
  23. KMB respects your legal rights of privacy when collecting, storing, using and transmitting personal data and the Privacy Policy Statement explains KMB's privacy policies and practices. It is KMB's policy to pledge to comply with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Chapter 486 of the Laws of the Hong Kong. In so doing, KMB will ensure compliance by its staff to the strictest standards of security and confidentiality. This Application limits the access, collection and use of data to the specific information stated below that KMB needs to operate its business and provide services to you.
  24. This Application collects non-personal data about your mobile device that does not directly identify you. The collected items are device ID, device model number, language selected, operating system and its version and version of this Application. The purpose in collecting non-personal data is solely to better understand how users use this Application and to make this Application more user-friendly. This Application has a location service which will enable you to find bus routes of nearby bus stops, your location on the map, and use the Alight Reminder service. If you activate this service, this Application will access the location of your mobile device solely for the location service. KMB will not use the data collected for direct marketing purpose but KMB may transfer the data collected to its contractor making this Application for system analysis purpose.
  25. This Application will use location data for providing services such as "Alighting Reminder" and "Nearby Bus Stop".
  26. When you browse any website linked through this Application, your personal data may be collected. In such circumstance, such collection, use, process and transfer of personal data shall not be bound by this Privacy Policy Statement. Please review the privacy policy of such website in relation to the processing of personal data. Be careful when disclosing personal information while you are online. This information may be collected and used by another party. Therefore, you must keep your personal information and password confidential.
  27. Information relating to Google Maps as shown on this Application is for reference only. Google may discontinue the provision of Google Maps on this Application at any time without prior notice to KMB and KMB disclaims all responsibilities for any loss and damage arising from such discontinuation of service. KMB does not have control over and shall in not event be able to guarantee the accuracy of Google Maps on this Application. In any event, KMB shall not be liable for any loss, claim or damage suffered by any user whatsoever and howsoever arising or resulting from his/her use or inability to use Google Maps and its contents, including, without limitation, negligence and disputes between any party. You shall indemnify KMB and keep KMB indemnified against all claims, actions, demands, losses or damage arising out of or resulting from your use of Google Maps and/or this Application or your infringement of any intellectual property rights.
  28. KMB may amend and update (including, without limitation, issue additional terms and conditions for specific features of this Application) these Terms from time to time. You are reminded to regularly review these Terms through this Application to keep yourself updated on the latest version of these Terms. KMB may, but shall in no event be obliged to, notify you of any update to the terms of these Terms by means of posts in this Application. By continuing to access or use this Application after those amendments and updates become effective, you agree to be bound by these Terms as amended, which shall supersede all previous terms and conditions KMB has with you.
  29. These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China ("Hong Kong") and KMB and you agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong.
  30. If you wish to bring to attention of KMB any matter concerning the use of this Application, you may use the "Contact Us" link found on KMB website to notify KMB of the same.
  31. If there is any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these Terms, the English version shall prevail.